- John Marshall - Senior's Captain 2024 -

I feel privileged to present myself as Gosforth Golf Club's Senior's Captain 2024.

Way back in 1985, as a fresh-faced 33 year old, I remember applying to join the club and somehow I managed to successfully negotiate the intimidating committee interview. Later, as soon as I reached the qualifying age of 60, I joined the Seniors Section. The 12 years since then, playing and socialising with the other 150 seniors, has played a major role in my life. Finally, I feel the ultimate accolade was when I was asked to be Senior's Captain, a role I will fulfill to the best of my abilities.

Our Seniors Section

The Seniors Section in particular is a strong and vibrant part of Gosforth Golf Club and has c140 members who enjoy a great programme of matches, competitions and social golf. Membership of the Seniors Section is open to all men who are members of the Club and over 60 years of age. The 2024 Captain of the Seniors Section is John Marshall. Our May Open has been re-arranged for Thursday, 1 August..

The Seniors Section has organised competitions every Monday. There are informal “roll-ups” played on Wednesdays. Monday is the main Seniors day when there are regularly over 70 playing in a competition. In the summer months trophy competitions are held on Mondays and when there is no trophy competition a sweep is organised. Stableford competitions are the most popular format, but Bogey competitions, Texas Scrambles, 3 Man Team events etc., all play their part.

The spirit of the Seniors is to build friendships through playing golf and socialising after golf. To this end there is a draw for partners for playing in Monday competitions and on Thursdays a draw is made on the day, so no one knows who their playing partner will be before they attend. This is an important component of the Seniors Section.

The Seniors play in the Northumberland Senior Members Golf League with thirteen member clubs namely, Gosforth, The City of Newcastle, Arcot Hall, Northumberland, Hexham, Bedlington, Whitley Bay, Tynemouth, Blyth, Stocksfield, Backworth, Ponteland and Westerhope. The clubs provide teams of twelve players to play each other once during the season at home one year and away the next year. The matches are Four Ball Better Ball format. Seniors matches against these clubs give an opportunity to play some of the best courses in the North East for just the price of a post-match meal. Home games offer a chance to welcome visitors to Gosforth. Team selection is designed to give all Seniors members an equal chance to take part.

Each club in the Northumberland Senior Members Golf League is required to host a Field Day with a singles competition for different age categories and teams of ten golfers per club. This is a once a year event, taken in turns, and there is usually fierce competition to be selected for the team when there is an opportunity to win your own age group or the entire event.

The popular Gosforth Golf Club Seniors’ Open is played in May, where the Section, with support from the Club, turns out in force to ensure a great day out for all. There is also an Annual Dinner and Prize Presentation in December which is extremely popular and well supported.

Join us and have a great time on the golf course and socialising in the Clubhouse.