The Gosforth Golf Club Management Committee (Board) consists of nine elected Directors plus the Men's and Ladies Captains and the Secretary and Treasurer. They make decisions on behalf of the club and carry out duties to ensure the smooth running of the business. They work together to best serve the members and, overall, the success of the club.
William Pringle (co-opted) - Chairman
Melanie Garland - Social Media Group
Matt Higgins - Chair Greens Sub-Committee
Oli King - Handicaps Sub-Committee
Brendan Mulvenna - Mens Captain
Caroline Ruddick - Ladies Captain
Grahame Garland - Secretary
Greg Waugh - Treasurer
Social Media Group
The role of the Group is to manage and maintain the clubs social media channels and website with relevant information for members and visitors.
Handicaps Sub-Committee
The role of the Sub-Committee is to protect the integrity of the World Handicapping System (WHS) and to record, maintain and update the Handicap Index of members.
Business Sub-Committee
The role of the Sub-Committee is to focus on the business side of running the club with the specific objective of reviewing and updating terms of reference, job descriptions, policies and procedures.
Vice Captains
Ken Fisher - Mens Vice Captain
Jill Ogden- Ladies Vice Captain